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Thwarted, Once More

February 29, 2012

Hi, it’s been a while since I’ve been on here, and unfortunately my presence means bad news nowadays.

So, this is with regards to an image I posted on Photobucket, an image which the administrators found “offensive” and contravening the Photobucket guidelines. I find this humorous, amongst other emotions, for a few reasons.

Firstly, the offending picture was 100% original aka created from scratch, thus it does not contravene any copyright laws.

Secondly, the picture showcased content that was congruent with my previous works, and those pictures remained untouched. Therefore, it was not out of line to post such an image.

Finally, the clincher may have been in the title of “50th Pic Special”, which supports my claim that this was a calculated attempt to eliminate an otherwise inoffensive image.

So after so much spat, I will let my modest audience see for themselves: should this picture be barred from Photobucket?


Please do understand, Photobucket authorities, that I’m not furious with this decision. It’s just that said decision befuddles me. I would appreciate if responses from my honest viewers were articulated below.

Have a nice day,

Zack (pineapple0370)

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